
How to apply for a senior citizen card

Learn what a senior citizen card is, the eligibility criteria, and how to apply for the card in your state.

3 min read

Are you ready to embrace your age and leverage the various benefits that come with it? Whether you simply want a way to prove your age for the wealth of senior discounts open to you, or whether you’re looking to update your photo ID or driver’s license for this new phase in your life, we have some tips, tricks, and guidance to help.

If your state offers a senior citizen card, you can contact the state or check the official state government website for information on how to apply for this card. For online applications, you will be required to download, fill out, and submit the complete form to the specific state agency. You will need to provide proof of your residence in your state, your old card (if you have one), and acceptable proof of your age and identity.

What is a senior citizen card?

The United States lacks a cohesive single ID document as you will find in other countries. So there is no one, true ‘Senior Citizen Card’ the way you may find in countries like India. However, most states and counties, like California, allow you to update your photo ID to a special senior-focused card. Also, you can access special senior driving permits in states like New York. 

While specific states may not necessarily need or force you to upgrade your ID to a special senior one, there are a ton of perks you can leverage with a clear picture ID that shows your senior status. 

Everything from discounts on mass transit to special senior discounts at your favorite grocery store may be available to you- as long as you can prove your age! So looking into senior citizen cards open to you could be a great way to get more from your retirement, too.

Eligibility Criteria for Senior Citizen Cards

You become eligible for senior citizen-focused cards and programs somewhere between the ages of 60 and 65, depending on local regulations. The California senior citizen ID card, for example, is accessible once you reach 62 years of age.

The eligibility criteria in most states, including extras like your residency and citizenship status are freely available online. Check with your state or county the eligible rules for a senior citizen card to take advantage of the various benefits that come with it.

Thinking Outside State Boundaries

While state ID is a major concern for many citizens, the perks of being a senior do not stop there. It pays to do a little research on the many senior-focused programs available in your area at the federal, state, and provincial levels. Remember, many non-profit organizations and private companies will also reward you for your age and loyalty. Making sure you can access all the programs that match your preferences and needs is the smartest way to handle retirement like a pro!

Applying for a Senior Citizen Card

Most states that offer a senior citizen card allow the applications to be done partly or fully online. This spares you the burden of having to queue and waste your time in crowds. For example, the California Senior Citizen ID card allows you to download and complete the forms you need to save some time.

Some states require applicants to visit their local DMV as part of the application process.  You will need your Social Security number and a secondary form of ID that matches the name you are applying under.

If you have never held an ID card or Driver’s License in the state, you may have to prove your local residency, too. You will be required to provide your biometrics and photo. States may also levy a small administration fee to obtain the senior citizen card. After the application is complete, you should have your new senior citizen card within days or weeks. If you have a low income, you may be eligible for a reduced or no-fee application. In California, the Senior ID card is available for free to eligible senior citizens!

If you are struggling with homelessness or a reduced income, eligibility for supportive government programs is usually enough to qualify for at least a reduced fee. You may have to fill in a supporting form, like California’s Verification for Reduced Fee Identification Card (DL 937) form to take advantage of this fee reduction, so bear that in mind when you apply.


While state-level senior citizen cards have a wealth of uses for official purposes, don’t forget that being able to verify your age with an official photo ID is also a great way to save and enjoy life to its fullest. From leveraging nice senior discounts at your favorite retailers, right through to accessing specific helpful programs and even transit discounts, your senior citizen card will soon feel like your new best friend. It’s time to make your retirement even more fulfilling!