
What do seniors do for fun?

What do seniors do for fun? If you’re a retiree struggling to find the fun in life, try these great ideas. There’s plenty to keep you active and engaged!

3 min read

Gone are the days when hitting your senior years meant sitting in a chair watching the world go by. Seniors have a wealth of enjoyable, fulfilling activities open, no matter their fitness levels or medical health. Staying active and engaged is a key way to ensure you age gracefully and keep your mind and body active. Need help figuring out where to start, or feeling dull and lifeless in retirement? Here’s some great ideas to get you excited again!

With more free time, you can reconnect with old hobbies, or find new ones to enjoy. Of course, staying socially connected is critical. From simple coffee ‘dates’ with friends to joining clubs and community events, there are plenty of ways to keep your people-meter primed. Staying physically active through activities like hiking, yoga, swimming, and walking not only promotes better health and beats depression, but can be social too.


One of the major perks of retirement is the free time it brings. Often in surplus! So now is the perfect time to rediscover old hobbies you put aside in your hectic mid-life, dive deeper into ones you still have, or find some new ones! 

Whether it is painting, gardening, knitting, or woodworking, engaging in a beloved pastime will bring a sense of accomplishment and joy that’s hard to beat. Hobbies provide you with a creative outlet and are great for social interaction. You can join clubs or groups around your shared interests- many are even senior-focused these days, too.

Rediscover your social butterfly

Connection is a human need. Without it, we face many negative side effects, from that creeping feeling of isolation right through to medically-detectable side effects like cognitive decline. Not meeting that social need exacerbates feelings of loneliness and depression. It also can lead us to self-neglect and other detrimental habits. Luckily, there’s an easy fix. Get out there and socialize! 

For seniors, this doesn’t have to be a dramatic move, either. Join a regular coffee gathering with some friends, or get involved in your local community events. If your social circle is a bit small, senior centers and clubs often organize social activities, and give you a chance to meet peers who like the same things you do. A good old-fashioned dose of shared experiences, laughter, and companionship is a great way to tend to your emotional well-being, especially as you age.

Get active

Staying healthy as you age is one of the best things you can do. Not only will better flexibility and some muscle strength help keep aging aches and pains at bay, but movement releases feel-good endorphins and other great things that will boost your mood and help you stay positive, too. Activities like hiking, yoga, swimming, walking, or even dance classes tailored for seniors provide not only physical exercise but also chances for social engagement, so they’re a win-win. 

And remember, no one is expecting you to push out max reps in a gym, either. Though many seniors do enjoy the gym, especially more social classes like water aerobics! Even if you have existing movement issues, chair, and even bed-focused exercise programs will help you stay fit and ready for anything.

Read and enjoy

Is there anything more timeless, cherished, and captivating than escaping into a fictional world free of your woes and cares? Seniors often find solace in the pages of a good book, exploring new worlds, or delving into the past through historical accounts.

Book clubs specifically designed for seniors are gaining popularity, both online and in-person. So this is a great chance to expand your mind and make new friends at the same time. Plus conversation material is built right in.

Hop online

It’s time to embrace your silver surfer title! Contrary to common assumptions, many seniors have fully embraced technology and the digital age. And nothing is stopping you from being one, either. Learning to use smartphones, tablets, or computers opens up a world of possibilities.

From online courses to streaming video, finding love online, virtual travel experiences, and video calls with family and friends, connecting digitally is a great way to boost your in-person social connections and find great new ways of having fun.

From garden to plate

Gardening, with its many therapeutic benefits, has long been a favorite activity for seniors. Tending to a garden, whether it is a small plot of land, a full garden, or simply potted plants on a balcony, is a reward all by itself. You can connect with nature, enjoy the outdoors, and see the fruits of your labor. Gardening not only promotes physical activity but also brings a massive sense of accomplishment as your flowers bloom or vegetables flourish.

Experiment new recipes

Another fun pastime for seniors is cooking. Take pleasure in experimenting with new recipes or revisiting traditional family favorites. There are even cooking classes aimed specifically at seniors- plus you can share the meals when you’re done. If you’re into both, why not try gardening for your table?

The idea that seniors have to be sedentary and lead boring lives couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether you take your retirement as the perfect chance to revisit old joys or set out to find new ones, there’s plenty you can do to have fun- many with other great positive effects to enjoy, too!