Social security

What social security check comes on the 3rd?

If you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will receive a check every month. Find out what Social Security check comes on the 3rd of the month.

3 min read

Once you start collecting Social Security checks, you will need to track your Social Security income and plan accordingly. Usually, Social Security payments are paid at specific times of the month, and knowing the timing of your benefits can help you manage your retirement finances.

If you started receiving Social Security retirement, survivor, and disability benefits before May 1, 1997, your Social Security benefits are paid on the 3 day of every month. Also, you will receive a Social Security check on the 3 of every month if you are enrolled in Medicare Savings Program, you collect both Social Security and Supplemental Security Income, or you live abroad.

When are Social Security benefits paid?

Once you claim Social Security payments, you will start receiving monthly checks via bank account or debit card. The payment dates for Social Security benefits are based on your birthday. Payments are distributed on one of three Wednesdays of each month for beneficiaries who started receiving benefits on or after May 1, 1997.

If you were born between the first and the 10 day of the month, Social Security checks will be paid out on the second Wednesday of the month. If you were born between the 11th and the 20 date of each month, you will receive your Social Security check on the third Wednesday of the month. If you were born between the 21 to the 31 of the month, you will receive your Social Security payments on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

If you started receiving benefits prior to May 1, 1997, you will receive monthly payments on the 3rd of every month. Additionally, the 3 day of the month also applies to individuals who live in a foreign country, individuals whose Medicare premiums are paid by their state, as well as individuals who receive both Social Security and Supplemental Security Income.  

When is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) paid?

If you are eligible to receive SSI due to a disability or age, you will receive SSI benefits on the first of every month. If the 1 falls a weekend or federal holiday, payments will be made on the business day immediately prior. SSI is a needs-based benefit; it is not a program that workers pay into during their working years. It is designed to help beneficiaries pay for necessities like food, shelter, and clothing.

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How Social Security Checks are paid

The Social Security Administration (SSA) no longer issues paper checks to eligible workers, and Social Security payments are now issued electronically. Beneficiaries have the following two options:

Direct deposits

You can opt to have the Social Security payments deposited directly into your credit union or bank account. You can choose this payment method by visiting the local Social Security office or signing up online.

Direct Express Debit card

A direct express card allows you to receive Social Security payments without requiring a bank account. Monthly payments are deposited into the debit card, and you can use the card at ATMs, banks, credit unions, or even use it to make purchases. However, you will incur fees when using the Direct Express debit card.

What happens if you don’t receive Social Security Payment?

Sometimes, there may be a delay in the time Social Security payments take to reach your account. Delays may occur due to SSA’s slowdowns, severe weather, changes to your payment information, or due to a holiday. If the delay impacts a region or a group of beneficiaries, SSA may issue notices for delays in advance. Check the media and SSA’s channels for any communication.

If your Social Security payment is late, you should first contact your financial institution where the payments are deposited. You can wait a few more days for non-emergency delays, since the funds may be in transit or be affected by a temporary delay at the post office or bank.

Once three days have passed, and the funds have not been deposited in your account, you can contact the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. If the delay is caused by changes to your personal information, contact the SSA local office to know when the Social Security payments will reach your account. Be aware that Social Security may request you to wait longer after the funds have been disbursed to know if the funds are missing.

When will Social Security payments start?

If you want to claim an unreduced Social Security benefit, you should wait until you reach the full retirement age (FRA). Your FRA varies depending on your birth year. Those born between 1943 to 1954 have an FRA of 66 years, while people born in 1960 or later have an FRA of 67 years. You will receive a full benefit when you take Social Security benefits at the FRA.

However, if you retire early before your FRA, and you need money to support your expenses or healthcare costs, you can decide to start taking distributions at age 62. However, if you claim Social Security payments at 62, there will be a reduction in your monthly benefits of up to 30%. If you have other incomes to support your needs, you can delay claiming benefits until your FRA to get the full benefit. 

If you delay taking benefits after reaching the FRA, you will receive higher monthly payouts when you claim benefits. The benefits will increase by 8% for every year you delay taking benefits until age 70. If your FRA is 66 and you delay taking benefits until 70, you will receive 132% of the monthly benefit. 

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