
Senior Assistance Programs in California

What financial assistance for California seniors is there? With a diverse and aging population, the state has some great programs to lend a helping hand.

3 min read

Aging brings with it some unique financial challenges. Luckily, with careful planning and access to the support systems you need, you can still have a great retirement. California, which has both an immensely diverse population and a notoriously older one, offers plenty of senior assistance programs.

Some senior assistance programs you can access in California include Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and the SNAP program to help you stay well-fed and happy. California offers a state-based extension to the Federal SSI program, too. To help you access affordable healthcare, look at both Medicare and the Medi-Cal extension, which is California’s extended Medicaid program. The state also offers In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) to help you access in-home care programs affordably.

Financial Assistance Programs

California offers various financial assistance programs to help seniors meet their basic needs:

Social Security

As a California resident, you are entitled to Social Security benefits based on your work history and contributions to the system over time. These benefits include retirement benefits, disability benefits, and survivors' benefits for eligible spouses. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a user-friendly online portal to help you estimate your potential benefits and start your application.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Social Security can only stretch so far, however. For those left in dire financial straits by the lack of a private pension or sufficient Social Security, there is the Supplemental Security Income program to consider. 

Administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), the SSI provides cash assistance to seniors aged 65 and older, as well as disabled individuals with limited income and resources. In California, the State Supplemental Payment (SSP) augments the federal SSI payment further to help struggling seniors cover their basic needs.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP is not a senior-focused program, but it does offer help to struggling California seniors. This program ensures that low-income residents have a balanced and nutritious diet. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), previously known as food stamps, offers financial assistance to eligible people for purchasing common food staples. This could be the help you need to stretch your food budget and ensure you can access essential nutrition.

Healthcare Assistance Programs

Need a helping hand staying fit and well? These programs could help.

Medicare and Medi-Cal

We all want affordable healthcare when we need it. For aging seniors, however, it becomes a medical necessity if you are to enjoy your retirement years. With the rising healthcare costs in the United States, seniors often struggle to afford healthcare services on a limited retirement income.

Medicare, a federal program, and Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program, work together to help you access comprehensive medical care when you need it most. Medicare covers hospitalization, outpatient care, and prescription drugs, while Medi-Cal can assist with additional costs not covered by Medicare, including some limited in-home services. To be eligible for Medi-Cal, your income should not exceed $1,676 for single seniors and $2,676 for couples. Seniors can only enroll in Medicare during their initial enrollment period or annual open period, so plan carefully for this in your first year.

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

Seniors in California who need assistance with daily activities due to age, blindness, or disability may qualify for the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. IHSS provides in-home care services, such as personal care and domestic tasks, to help seniors maintain their independence and continue living in their own homes. The program is income-based, and eligibility is determined by an assessment of your individual needs.

Help Staying Housed

If you’re struggling with the cost of homeownership, keeping a safe home, or don’t have a home at all, try these programs.

Property Tax Assistance

California offers some property tax assistance programs for eligible seniors that should be on your radar. The Senior Citizen's Property Tax Assistance (SCPTA) program allows qualified seniors to postpone property taxes. This means you can defer payment until a later date, including even after you pass away.

However, they will ensure they are eventually paid through a lien on the property. The Property Tax Postponement (PTP) program is another option that assists seniors and disabled individuals with limited income in deferring their property tax payments. So before you give up your home, see what programs can help you with this hefty cost.

California Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Energy costs can be a significant burden for seniors on low fixed incomes. The California Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists eligible seniors with their energy bills. The program operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and funds are limited, so make sure to take action if you need to.

If you are struggling to stay housed as a California senior, there are plenty of resources to help. Here is a list of primary resources and organizations you can try. There are plenty more, including private rent-controlled programs and more, so don’t be too shy or too proud to ask for help when you need it. 

Other Helpful Programs

These programs address specific senior needs across a variety of categories.

California Telephone Access Program (CTAP)

You may not feel like ‘gadgets’ and mobile phones are the top priority as a struggling senior. However, solid communication is essential for seniors, especially in emergencies. The California Telephone Access Program (CTAP) offers specialized telephone equipment to seniors with difficulty using standard phones due to a physical or cognitive impairment.

Remember that connecting with friends and family is a key part of staying socially and mentally engaged as you age. Not to mention your need to get hold of emergency services easily!

Legal Assistance for Seniors

California has various legal aid services specifically tailored to assist seniors with issues such as housing, healthcare, and consumer protection. Organizations like the Legal Aid Association of California provide resources and assistance for seniors, so it’s a great place to start.


If you’re a struggling California senior, know that there is help at hand. Remember, you helped fund and shape these programs over your working career, so there’s no shame in needing them as you age. As a senior in California, taking advantage of these resources can make a significant difference in your quality of life during your retirement years- and everyone wants to see you flourish and enjoy your older years!